Gestalt International Study Center

1035 Cemetery Road, P.O. Box 515, South Wellfleet, MA 02663

Phone: +1 508 349 7900

GISC Women's Leadership Series

Learn how to increase your impact this spring in Boston

This series provides an opportunity for women leaders at all levels, including managers, executives, and business owners to have a more profound impact on their workplace relationships and, more importantly, on the relationship they have with themselves.

Given the complexity and pace of today’s work environments, women need to feel effective, successful, and fulfilled to continue to grow and contribute at the highest levels. Central to this sense of competency as a leader is the inner work of leadership this series will focus on – developing self-awareness, shifting personal insights from unhelpful to constructive, and maximizing a strong sense of self.

In this series you'll explore topics such as self-doubt, Imposter Syndrome, internal vs. external sources of stress, negotiation, and work-life balance. You will learn strategies and build skills for managing guilt, negotiating effectively and setting boundaries - all in a supportive group of peers. Through experiential activities and skill-building exercises we'll explore powerful concepts, including presence and use-of-self, to build on key self-talk and communication competencies for navigating your daily interactions.


The series is broken into three sessions – which can be taken individually or together – each addressing a different but related topic. You’re welcome to sign up for one, two, or all three.

Session 1: Imposter Syndrome and Self-Doubt 

Self-doubt can halt your career advancement and lead to career dissatisfaction, compensatory overwork, and burnout. Self-doubt has two main drivers: internal sources like imposter syndrome and external sources like gaslighting. Being able to differentiate these underlying causes is critical to avoiding the trap of blaming yourself for externally generated self-doubt and moving toward through imposter feelings to self-confidence.

In this workshop, we will discuss examples and strategies that are effective in understanding and quieting the doubt that imposter syndrome fuels. This session will be interactive.

You’ll leave this session with a set of action steps that you can take to begin quieting self-doubt so that you can step fully into your power as a woman leader.


As participants in this program, you will:

  • Distinguish between self-doubt caused by internal and external sources.
  • Recognize imposter syndrome and gaslighting thoughts and feelings.
  • Replace negative thoughts with empowering ones.
  • Create an action plan for addressing self-doubt.

Session 2: Negotiating with Confidence

In nearly any leadership role there comes a time when you must ask for something—resources, more staff, a larger budget. When you seek a new position, you must make requests for the salary, title, and benefits you want. When something is less-than-efficient and you see a potential solution, you must convince decision-makers of the value of your idea.

How confident are you in your ability to navigate these requests effectively?

When women leaders learn to use their voice effectively to advocate for needed changes in the workplace, it can foster greater engagement in addressing the “pebbles in the shoe” that ultimately affect an organization’s performance.

This workshop will offer experiential opportunities to shift how you think about and undertake negotiation.


As a participant in this program, you will:

  • Gain insight on internal and external obstacles to negotiating effectively.
  • Identify and begin to experience personal strategies to mitigate these obstacles.
  • Practice negotiation skills in a positive, supportive environment.
  • Connect with peers and share common experiences and feedback.
  • Walk away with valuable tools to apply in the workplace.

Session 3: Setting Boundaries and Quieting Guilt

Women leaders face unique challenges, including gender bias at work, carrying more childcare and home responsibilities than their male counterparts, and fewer opportunities for mentorship.


These challenges often have adverse effects on work-life balance, which can lead to career dissatisfaction, exhaustion, and burnout. While some of the challenges that professional women face are beyond their direct control, others are internal and can be changed with awareness, shifting one’s mindset, and practicing new skills. These include difficulty with boundary setting and feelings of guilt—the sense that they should be spending more time at home when they’re at work and vice versa.


This program will provide an opportunity for women leaders to connect with peers and practice new skills to set better boundaries and improve work-life balance.


As a participant in this program, you will:

  • Identify personal sources of guilt.
  • Identify the common beliefs that lead women to de-prioritize themselves and their goals.
  • Discover the places where you have agency to make changes.
  • Develop and practice scripts for setting boundaries at home and at work.
  • Connect with other women leaders in a confidential, safe space.

Interested in this program?

Click the button below to sign-up for our interest form, and we will let you know when we are running the next program!




This program is for women leaders at all levels, managers, executives, and business owners who want to have a more profound impact on their workplace relationships and, more importantly, on the relationship they have with themselves.

Special Note

*Massachusetts organizations and employees: up to 100% tuition reimbursement is available for most Massachusetts organizations with fewer than 50 employees and up to 50% tuition reimbursement is available for organizations with 51-100 employees. Click here or call the GISC office for information about how to apply for these grants from the state.


The NonProfit Center

89 South Street

Boston, MA 02111

About the Faculty

Diane W. Shannon, MD, MPH, PCC
Diane is an author, coach, and consultant who focuses on helping women succeed. A former primary care physician, Diane launched a writing career in 1996, drawing attention to ways to address clinician burnout, system inefficiency, and patient safety problems. She now runs a coaching company for women in medicine and works with professionals and emerging leaders in all fields who want a sustainable, balanced career. Diane is an ICF-certified coach, with more than 1,200 hours logged coaching healthcare professionals and leaders. She resides with her family in Boston.

Allison Iantosca, ACC

Allison works with emerging leaders, entrepreneurs and leaders in transition while maintaining her position as CEO of Boston based F.H. Perry Builder. After over 25 years in business, Allison now seeks to support others in their development and understanding of personal presence, impact, and strategic change. Allison has a BS from Skidmore College and has studied business and leadership extensively. She is a GISC- and ICF-credentialed coach, a published author, noted local and national speaker, and recipient of several industry awards and recognitions.



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fax:  508-349-7908

1035 Cemetery Road, P.O. Box 515, South Wellfleet, MA 02663
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