If the past year has demanded anything of us, it has been to draw on our inner resources – and one another – to reimagine the ways we live and work in the world. To achieve things we don’t yet know are possible. “This might not work,” one of my favorite lines by creativity expert Seth Godin, speaks to the way every important undertaking is a leap of faith, as we will only discover what works by trying new things.
I am so proud of GISC’s faculty, board, staff, and participants, as we have worked to create something incredibly important and worthwhile this year – reaching outside of comfort zones to offer programs in new ways, bringing our experiential programs online, beginning to explore biases we didn’t know we held, and so much more – all while contending personally and professionally with a global pandemic.
Many of us – leaders, therapists, coaches, consultants – have moved through our own fears and resistances and blind-spots to look at what is, what else might be possible, and to help bring others along their own paths of learning.
It has been a joy to see program participants join strangers from around the world on two-dimensional screens, yet somehow forge intimacies and embody learning none of us were sure was possible. They have walked away from signature programs we thought could only be delivered in person saying things like:
GISC, like the individuals in our community, is doing some reimagining of its own. How might we stand on the fertile ground our founders laid and best equip today’s generation of learners to bring more meaning and competence to their own lives and the lives of those they touch? How can we be more inclusive and just? And, we have developed some new initiatives to address these questions.
Please support GISC with your gift this year and be a part of reimagining our future, expanding upon all that we’ve learned to become something more. Your gift will support:

Your gift of $1,000 or more will place you in our “Founders Circle” and, like all donations, can be directed to help support your favorite initiative.
We want you to be a part of bringing the best of GISC and Gestalt into the future. Please know that a gift of any size is so appreciated and needed. Your unrestricted gift of $125 or more will include a 2022 membership. This year, we will be inviting donors to a special Reimagining the Future online event where we can thank you personally and hear your ideas about what’s meaningful to you at GISC.
I know I speak for the entire GISC board, faculty, and staff when I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the ways you support this community.
With warmth and gratitude for who you are and for all we can be together,
Laurie Fitzpatrick
President & CEO, GISC
PS: Your gift today will help us reach our 2022 goals. Give online at www.gisc.org/donate.
89 South Street, Suite 400
Boston, MA 02111
Ph: +1 508 349 7900
© Copyright 2021 Gestalt International Study Center.
All rights reserved. Website by
Darren Wotherspoon