What would you most like to share about your upcoming program?
I love teaching CDPCC – supporting people to become competent coaches – it’s an incredible personal growth opportunity for each student and then they are able to support others to grow through their coaching. Witnessing the growth over 6 months is amazing! And I hone my coaching and teaching skills with each cohort.
What is your favorite Gestalt principle or concept? Why?
The Optimistic Stance because by acknowledging that people are doing the best they can AND that growth is possible I feel both my heart and my mind open. And for many it is the first, or a rare experience to be held that way. I know how much I appreciate it when someone holds me with an optimistic stance.
In what ways does Gestalt inform your life?
After being a Gestalt Practitioner for more than 20 years, I can really say “in what ways does Gestalt not inform my life?” It is like having a different set of eyes, ears, and nervous system. I engage in most conversations from a Gestalt perspective … going slow to go fast, looking for a shared figure and noticing when we don’t have one, waiting for enough energy to move, and trying to remember that people are doing the best they can. Last but not least, looking for what capacities are well developed, what does someone do well (even if it’s something that I might not like), there is something important in their ability to do it well.
What in your professional or personal life led you to what you are teaching now?
So many things… In 1999 when I enrolled in my first Gestalt training program I started on a journey. I have always been a teacher – from the time I was a child, through High School, college, and graduate school. Doing organization development work is about teaching adults. After taking “Becoming a Better Intervener,” I took “Working with the Individual in the Organizational Context” with Ed Nevis and Claire Stafford on the Cape – it was a pre-cursor to the GISC coaching programming. Deciding to get coach training, getting ICF certified, and then encouraging GISC to develop the CDPCC Coach Training Program [all led me to teaching CDPCC].
What are some career highlights you would like to share?
I am a PhD development economist who changed careers to do business consulting after finishing my PhD. Development Economics for me was about making the world a better place. That’s what my work has always been about – whether working in a village in West Africa, consulting with an organization, or coaching individuals. After 13 years working in two large corporations, I started my own consulting firm, to which I then added coaching. It was a “for now decision,” that has lasted 20+ years. I love what I do, and the people with whom I get to work.
What is a quote that speaks to you?
“Be the change you want to see in the world” – Gandhi
“Learn to disappoint and to be disappointed” – Sonia Nevis
What is one piece of advice you would offer to others who would like to follow your path?
Go slow to go fast … it will be your journey and you will take it one step at a time. Savor every step. I did not plan my journey AND I was intentional about every step, but I didn’t know what the next one would be until I got there.
What appeals to you about Gestalt theory and practice?
When I decided to learn Gestalt it was because all the best OD practitioners I knew were Gestalt trained. I think this still holds true – for coaches and consultants. It was not a natural for me, I had to work to really absorb and become it. It is a theory that applies everywhere … this is not just about work situations … it’s about how we are in the world.
What was your first program at GISC?
Working with the Individual in the Organizational Context then the
Cape Cod Training Program.
If you could get a coffee with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
Michelle Obama – there is something about her presence that has always appealed to me, as well of course as everything she has done and continues to do. In spite of her world stature, I think she is really down to earth.
What is a fun fact about you?
Jackie is the proprietor of the Jackie Sherman Group, where she works as an Organization Effectiveness Consultant and Executive Coach. The Jackie Sherman Group is a coaching and consulting firm that serves CEOs and senior leaders of businesses and non-profits, entrepreneurs, and human resource and organizational change professionals. To learn more about the Jackie Sherman Group follow this link: http://jackieshermangroup.com/.
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Boston, MA 02111
Ph: +1 508 349 7900
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Darren Wotherspoon